5 Good Tips To Become Motivational Speaker

5 Good Tips To Become Motivational Speaker


Life is difficult and people are looking for advice anywhere they can find it. Did you know that the number one most stolen book is the Bible? People are in need of advice and they will look for it anywhere. Often times, when people are in need of advice or a redirection in life they will visit with a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker is someone who can help people figure out the direction that they want to go in life. It can help people in a time of indecisiveness or a time when there isn’t a clear path to go. If you are looking to be a motivational speaker, visit these five tips to help you be good and consider motivation training.

Practice What You Preach

If you are going to become a motivational speaker then consider living the life that you are going to speak about. If you are not living the life that you are speaking of then you lose your credibility. So re organize your life if you need to. But be sure that you are living the life that you are speaking of.

Write it Down, Rewrite It

The last thing that you want to do is walk into a speaking event and be completely unprepared. Be sure that you have written yourself some notes and have practiced and practiced.

Get Educated

There is more to motivational speaking than just getting up in front of a crowd and telling a good testimony. Consider taking college classes and learning how to organize your thoughts. Along with how to get your nerves under control and how to make eye contact. All of these things can help you interact and connect more with your crowd and can help you be a much better motivational speaker.

Get Critiqued

Get help. Find another motivational speaker or professional speaker and practice in front of them. Then have them give their opinion and things that you could change. The way that you interact with different people can vary. This is because people are looking for something different when they come to a motivational speaker. So be sure to practice in front of a professional and get the critiques you are unable to see yourself.

Shift with the World

The world is constantly changing. Things that are accepted and okay today may not be tomorrow. And issues that are going on in today’s world are much different than twenty years ago. So be sure that you are also shifting your speaking to meet those needs of the shifting world. Along with that, be sure that you are shifting your speech to meet the clientele. For example, if you are going to speak at a high school, your speech should be curtailed for that group. If you are going to speak at a large business gathering, then your speech should be curtailed by that group. Be sure that you are shifting with the world and with the group you are interacting with.


There is a lot more to being a motivational speaker than just getting in front of a crowd and telling a good story. Be sure that you are changing your speech based on the changing world. Be sure that you are shifting to meet the needs of the group in which you are attempting to touch. Be sure to get educated and practice with a professional. This can help you perfect your speech. Also, be sure to be practicing what you are preaching. Be sure that you are living your best life. All of these tips can help you be a better motivational speaker.


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