5 Tips for Choosing a Pain Center

5 Tips for Choosing a Pain Center


Every day you wake up, you’ve got to pop a Tylenol to dilute your pain symptoms. You don’t sleep well at night due to your aches, so on top of hurting, you’re also groggy.

You can’t keep going to work like this. It’s time for action! It’s time for you to go to a pain center.

A trained specialist will be able to get to the bottom of your pain and prescribe medications that will help you cope with it. They’ll also teach you a few exercises you can do at home to manage your symptoms.

The problem is finding the right center for your needs. If the doctor doesn’t have the right amount of experience, it could do more harm than good. Keep reading to learn what you should be on the lookout for.

1. Get a Referal

When you’re at a loss for what pain clinic to go to, talk to your primary health physician. They should be able to give you a list of good pain specialists that work in your area.

If you know that a close family member has gotten pain treatments in the past, ask them who they went to. You’ll still need to do some of your own research on the clinics, but getting a few names is a good start.

2. Experience

A newer pain doctor might be able to work wonders, but it’s not something you want to risk. A botched treatment will do more harm than good.

When you’re calling around to centers, ask them how many times they’ve treated someone with your exact condition. The higher the number, the more likely it is that your treatment will be successful.

3. Research Their Credentials

The most important thing to consider when you’re choosing a pain management doctor is their credentials. If they’re board-certified, you know that they’ve gone through extensive training to treat your problem.

You should also check to see if a doctor has a history of malpractice of any kind. You don’t want to go to someone with that on their record.

4. Pain Support Groups

If none of the tips above have been able to help you, it’s time to visit online pain support group forums. It’s full of people who are going through the same situation as you.

Not only will they be able to provide you with helpful advice to cope with your symptoms, but they can also give you doctor recommendations.

5. Gender

The last thing you should consider is the gender of your pain doctor. You’ll have to disclose a lot of personal information. You might not feel comfortable doing so with someone of the opposite gender.

Find the Best Pain Center for Your Needs

Are you sick of living with chronic aches? It might be time for you to make an appointment with a pain center. If you find the right one, they’ll be able to give you medicine and teach you exercises that will help you cope with your symptoms.

Consider some of the things that we’ve talked about today when you’re looking around, and for more tips that will help you manage your wellbeing, visit the Health section of our blog.


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